CWM Environmental are fully committed to protecting the environment. Our core business activities have a positive impact on the environment by ensuring that waste is treated as a resource and is re-used or recycled wherever possible. We are also committed to reducing energy consumption by focusing on day to day working practices and providing sustainable energy on-site.
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS)
All Company operations are ISO14001 accredited. The EMS was initially developed for landfill operations, with accreditation being achieved for 2009. The EMS was subsequently developed for the additional areas of operations.
What is environmental management and ISO 14001?
ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard that outlines how to put an effective environmental management system in place. The EMS is regularly audited by a team of external independent auditors.
What are the benefits of ISO 14001?
• Better environmental management, whilst reducing waste and energy use.
• Improve efficiency to cut the cost of running your business.
• Demonstrate environmental compliance.
• Meet legal obligations.

Waste Hierarchy
The Stages of Waste Hierarchy largest followed by the smallest.
- Prevention; We should all be using fewer materials in design and manufacture, keeping products for longer, reusing them and using less hazardous materials.
- Preparing for re-use; Checking, cleaning, repairing, refurbishing, whole or spare parts.
- Recycling; Turing waste into a new substance or product, including composting when it meets protocols.
- Further Recovery; Including anaerobic digestion, incineration with energy recovery, gasification and pyrolysis which produce energy (fuels, heat and power) and materials from waste, some backfilling operations.
- Disposal; Landfill and incineration without energy recovery
Environmental Policy
CWM Environmental Ltd recognises that we, as a waste management and recycling company, can have an impact on the environment. We believe that effective environmental management is essential and we are committed to protecting and improving our environment in all areas of the Company’s operations. The Company is committed to meeting the following aims:
- Compliance with existing applicable environmental and other pertinent legislative requirements at all stages of our business activities and operations. Where possible, systems will be implemented to exceed governmental requirements.
- Regularly monitor and review performance and set clear objectives and targets to ensure continuous improvement in health, safety and environmental performance.
- Ensure that responsibility for environmental issues is clearly defined and understood throughout the company and that all activities are conducted in a manner that takes all necessary steps to prevent pollution. Environmental impacts will be considered when planning or evaluating new projects, services, products or operations.
- CWM Environmental Ltd recognises the importance of our relationship with stakeholders, employees, the public, contractors, customers and shareholders. This policy will be communicated and made available to stakeholders and other interested parties.
- To encourage the conservation of energy, water and natural resources through increased efficiency. We will also seek to minimise the volume of waste generated and to maximise re-use, recycling and energy recovery from waste.
- Ensure that employees are fully aware of all health, safety, environmental and quality requirements, providing appropriate training and resources where required.
- Commitment to developing and implementing the Environmental Management System ISO14001 for applicable operations.
- Continually re-assess all of the above in the light of changing technology, legislation and business requirements to promote and ensure best environmental practice.
- All plant and equipment will be maintained to ensure efficiency. Any new plant and equipment will be procured subject to an assessment of the best environmental option for that type of product.
- The Board is responsible for providing environmental leadership. All our employees have a responsibility to the company and the communities within which we operate to act within this policy.
If you have any questions about this Environmental Policy, please contact head office on 01267 225520.